205, Fayrouz Building, Gulf Towers,
Hassan and Hussein Steet, Bahr Aazam,
Phone: (+202) 3307 0111
P. O. Box: 12519
Email: info@accountingroup.org
Our Clients
Accounting Group Clients
- UnConsular For (Unisive) Children In Cairo
- Albank Alahly Elmasry Consular
- Pyramid Group for Information Systems
Computer Companies & Software
- Oxgyne Software
- Nile Soft International
- North Africa For Computer
- North Africa For Technology
- Compu Magic Internationa
- Mini Max
- UBS For System & Engineering
- North Africa For Trading System
- National Insurance Company
- Misr Insurance Association
- Misr Insurance Brokrage
- Global Insurance Brokerage
Marine and Aviation
- Egypt Air
- Alexandria Aviation
- Ibramar
Manufacturing Companies
- Schnieder Group
- Johnson and Johnson
- Islam On line
- Energizer Egypt
- Delta Bricks
- Oriental Weavers
- Clover Brooke Egypt
- Sayyad Manufacturing
- Suez for Fertlization
- Egypt Cables
- Helw Elsham For Bowder And Light Foods
- Flowra Egypt
- Union Chemical Industry
- Elmasria For Cleaning Products
- Eyabco
- Egesco
- Low Efforts Electrical
- International Company For Packing And Calling
- Alahlia For Electronics
- Secam Food Industry
- Alarabia Indestry Developing
- Medco Plast
- Farma Pharmaceutical Company
- Gillette Egypt
- Golden Group
- Easter for Tobaco
- Arab Medical Company
- Duravite Egypt
- Egypt Industrial Federation
Hospital & Hotels & Resorts
- Alarabia Investment For Tourism Developing Al Batros Hotels
- Zahra For Tourism Investment
- Elestismaria For Tourism Developing
- Alarabia Investment For Developing (Alian Elsokna)
- Creative Jet Beach
- Loly Beach
- Ghada Ras Sedr
- Alarabia For Tourism Investments
- Alwaly For Tourism Developing
- Assalam Hospital
- Host Mark Plaza Hotels
- Qoba Hospital
- Well Fare Hospital
- Lo'lo'at Alahram
- Alkher International Hospital
- Rahma Hospital
Medical Trading Companies
- Midi Tech
- Midi serve.
- Samaha Importing
Mixed Concrete Companies
- Montser Mixed Concrete
- Alwaly Mixed Concrete
- Egy Mix
- Alwaly For Industry And Producing Mixed Concrete
Trading Companies
- Al Kuwait & Arab Country For Industry Development
- Canon
- Neuman and Esser
- Al Kuwait & Arab Country For Trade And Industry
- Kasco Trading Company
- Al Salam International Trade ( Free Zone)
- Nazco Egypt Company
Real State Companies
- Alarabia For Real State Development
- Alarabia For Development Real States
- Alwaly For Housing And Reclamation
- Green Land Real Estate
- Al Beit Al Reify for Real Estate
Banks & Exchange & Securities
- National Bank of Egypt
- Egyptian American International Bank
- National Pakistani Bank
- Bank of America
- Mashreq Bank
- Techno Lease Company
- Beit Al Khebra Investment Banking
- Second PBDAC Mutual Fund
- Bedaya Mutual Fund
- Sakan for Real Estate Mortgage
- Arab Company for Securities
- Alsafa For Exchange
- Friends Exchange
- Prizma Securities
- Alarabia For Securities
- Diners Club
Contracting Companies
- Alstom International
- Areva International
- Sectors Contracting
- Alwaly Trade And Real State Developing
- Nazco For Real State Developing
- El Nile For Real States Services Company
- Alwaly For Construction And Reclamation
- Nile cataract for Contracting
Representing Office
- Alsoudia For Economic And Development
- Stelzer
- Logix Corporation
- Al Hekma Medicines
Oil and Gas
- British Petroleum
- Gapco Petroleum Company
- Shell
- Suez Oil Company
- Petroleum Air Service
- Egypt Natural Gas Company
- Engineering Petroleum Company
- Osoco
- Slumber Gaur
- Enppi
- National Drilling Company
- Oil See Service National Co.
- Mashreq Oil Company
- Trust Oil Field Services